A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

Artichoke Dairy
Bruce Colby bruce@artichokedairy.com 978-499-8600
Blue Hill Farm
Sean Stanton seanstanton@hotmail.com 413-429-6598
Carter and Stevens
Molly, Will, and Phil Stevens carterandstevensfarm@gmail.com 978-355-4940
Chase Hill Farm
Benjamin and Laura Wells-Tolley
Clover Luck Farm
Dave & Mary Sears cloverluckfarm@gmail.com 617-694-9349
Cook and Flayvors
Debbie Cook flayvorsicecream@gmail.com 413-584-2224
Cream of the Crop
Cricket Creek Farm
Topher Sabot info@cricketcreekfarm.com 413-458-5888
Crystal Brook Farm
Eric and Michele Starbard
Dancing Goats Dairy
Erin Bligh
Eastleigh Farm
Doug Stephan
Grace Hill Farm
Max Breiteneicher gracehilldairy@gmail.com 413-634-5348
Larson Farm and Creamery
Cynthia Larson
Larson Farm, Wells, VT facebook
Little White Goat Dairy
Rachel Sherer littlewhitegoatdairy@gmail.com 978-790-1240
Maple Valley Creamery
Laurie Cuevas
Maplebrook Farmstead
Visit our website for more information about our farm and product offerings.
Mermaid Farm & Dairy
Allen Healy mermaidfarm@comcast.net 508-645-3492
Mill Valley Milk Store
Bruce Jenks brucejenks23@gmail.com 413-588-1716
O’Brien Farms
Andrea Benjamin
Oake Knoll Farms
Theresa Lawton