A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

Home garden growing peonies, garlic, and a variety of native and garden plants. I grow over 70 varieties of peony and over 20 varieties of garlic. I produce flower essences, seasoning salts, and plant dyes. I sell naturally dried peony flowers, seed & culinary garlic, gourmet garlic collections, black garlic, and shibori made with homemade plant dyes. When I dye, I use solar heat, rain and well water, found objects and strictly non-toxic kitchen mordants like salt, vinegar and baking soda.
I've been growing here since 1991, totally organic methods. I had severe chemical sensitivities for over 20 years, so there were no chemicals anywhere in home or garden. Happily I am now recovered, and still no chemical, cos, gosh, what's the point? (And teaching the method that got me out of that soup!)
I also have an interest in supporting native pollinators, of which there are many species here in the Shutesbury forest. I sell perennials like phlox, daylilies and New England asters that support butterflies especially monarchs.