A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

Coast of Maine Organic Products, inc. is a company founded in Maine that has been producing truly exceptional, organically approved, compost-based soils, enriching mulches, soil supplements and liquid fertilizers, for more than 20 years. Designed to enhance and support healthy soil biology, they compost residuals sourced locally in Maine and New Brunswick, such as shellfish (lobster & crab), salmon, wild blueberries, and cow manure. Additional local ingredients include: tree bark, worm castings, and seaweed. The company distributes their organic retail bagged goods to independent garden centers along the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.
We supply organic and traditional bulk and bagged products to the independent garden centers, nurseries and greenhouses. Our unique marine based compost blends bring the benefits of the ocean to anything you are growing.
Services: Compost, Supplier, Greenhouse wholesale, Greenhouse Retail, Nursery Retail, Nursery Wholesale compost-based soils, enriching mulches, soil supplements and liquid fertilizer
Products: Quoddy Blend Lobster Compost, Bar Harbor Blend Premium Potting Soil, Stonington Blend Grower's Mix, Penobscot Blend Compost & Peat Planting Mix, Cobscook Blend Gardening Soil, Sprout Island Blend Organic Seed Starter, Castine Blend Organic Raised Bed Mix, Monhegan Blend Black Earth Premium Topsoil, Schoodic Blend Composted Manure, Dark Harbor Blend Enriching Mulch, Fundy Blend Enriching Mulch with Kelp, Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings, Stonington Blend Lobster & Kelp Plant Food (5-2-4), Lobster Meal (6-2-0), Fish Bone Meal (5-13-0), Alfalfa Meal (2.2-0.4-2.3), and a complete line of mulch products.
Quoddy Blend Lobster Compost; Bar Harbor Blend Premium Potting Soil; Stonington Blend Grower's Mix; Penobscot Blend Compost & Peat Mix; Cobscook Blend Gardening Soil; Sprout Island Blend Organic Seed Starter; Castine Blend Organic Raised Bed Mix; Monhegan Blend Black Earth Premium Topsoil; Schoodic Blend Composted Manure; Dark Harbor Blend Enriching Mulch; Fundy Blend Enriching Mulch w/ Kelp; Wiscasset Blend Earthworm Castings; Stonington Blend Plant Food; Lobster, Fish Bone & Alfalfa Meals
Cameron Bonsey