A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

Crabapple Farm is rooted in principles of ecological stewardship and social responsibility. We produce a diverse mix of products for our community. We combine the best aspects of organic, biodynamic, permaculture, and traditional farming principles in our farming practices.
Vegetables, seedlings, grain, seeds, herbs, flowers, fruit, berries, beef and lamb.
Tevis and Rachel Robertson-Goldberg
Greenfield, Saturday mornings
Northampton, Tuesday afternoons
Open seasonally, Mondays and Fridays, 2 to 6:30 p.m.
We offer small, medium and large full-season share sizes, with a sliding price scale ranging from $340 to $720. Part-time shares: 10 weeks, small $190 and medium $240; 15 weeks, small $280 and medium $350. Pickup at the farm, Mondays and Fridays 2 to 6:30 p.m.