A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

Purchase Sweetened Dried Cranberries
Fairland Farm, LLC were formed to become stewards of the continuing agricultural history of Southeastern Massachusetts. Numerous communities of this culturally important area are impacted by the use of Best Management Practices which Fairland Farm prides itself on. Some of the bogs that have been placed in our care have existed prior to the Civil War. Not only are we mindful to the benefits to the food industry from the growing of cranberries but we are daily reminded that the surrounding support land, whether it be upland or lowland, is a significant resource for the various plants and animals that exist within our borders
Sweetened dried cranberries
Bonnie Kavanagh, R.N./Herbalist
For wholesale bulk ordering, and private labeling options contact Bonnie Kavanagh at
401-529-6535 or by email at kavnurse@hotmail.com.