A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

Our Mission Statement: Farm Direct Co-op is a not-for-profit community organization with the goal of supporting local growers and artisans, while providing the freshest local and organic food available.
Our season runs from Mid-June to Late-October (20 weeks) with an additional Thanksgiving delivery of root crops, and December delivery of crops and products. We offer organic vegetable, IPM fruit, local cheese shares, pantry shares, locally baked bread shares, cultivated mushroom shares, and organic flower shares. Bulk purchases for putting up/freezing are also available. Pick ups, on Tuesdays or Thursdays in Marblehead, Salem, or Melrose.
2022 update: We currently have a waitlist. Please visit www.farmdirectcoop.org to add your name.
877-332-3276 (877-FDC-FARM)
see website