A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

Growing medicinal plants and making natural medicines for our old-fashioned Herbal Apothecary. Also have small flock of chickens that we pasture; a 60 vine vineyard, hop yard, and blueberry patch. Espresso cafe using organic coffees, milk, cream, sugar. Beautiful gardens to walk through on our 15 acres of various ecosystems, and more wildlife than anywhere on Cape Cod. We abut the Cape Cod Rail Trail bike path. Come visit !
Herbal teas, tinctures, topicals; bug sprays; poison ivy spray ("Itchy Bitchy!" -Ha). Lyme Disease is a specialty. Helping folks find and use natural, sustainable medicines for all conditions. We teach classes -- on our farm or yours!
Stephen Brown
We hold the "Brewster Market Day" on the large front lawn on Rte.6A from June til October, open only to Cape Cod vendors making, growing something, or offering a service on Cape Cod. Applications welcome at http://www.greatcape.com
See above, and go to the web site, or call, for times and days.
http://www.greatcape.com 508 896 5900