A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.
On the farm we have dairy and meat goats, ADGA registered purebred LaMancha stock and stud service. We also offer the following agricultural services: brush clearing, pasture restoration and maintenance, and field preparation (harrowing, plowing, rototilling, amendment spreading, seeder/cultipacker). We specialize in the management of invasive plants.
For goat information, contact Rachel; for agricultural services, contact Bruce.
We now sell USDA-inspected frozen chevon (goat meat). Animals are raised on their mother's milk and organic (though non-certified) pastures.
Goat kids for dairy: purebred LaManchas and LaMancha crosses. Goat milk for livestock or pets. Meat goats sold for live pickup.
Bruce and Rachel Scherer
Contact for more info.