A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

We have been raising vegetables since 1982. We began raising organically in 1998 and were certified in 2002. We gave up certification in 2005. We still grow using organic and sustainable principles.
Asparagas, beets, beans, Swiss Chard, Carrots, Broccoli, Cabbage, Celery, Celeriac, Cauliflower, Chinese Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Lettuces, Leeks, Muskmelons, Watermelons, Onions, Peas, Scallions, Peppers, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Radish, Spinach, Summer and Winter Squash, Turnips, and Assorted Flowers.
George and Debbie Kirk
Groton, on Chicopee Row, Fridays 3 to 7 p.m.
Tyngsboro, Saturdays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Our farm stand will be open Tuesdays through Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
We have a full share for $600.00 and a small share for $400.00. All shares are picked up at either farmers market.