A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

We milk 30 Jerseys on our farm here in Wells, VT. We sell raw milk here at the farm, and can deliver to the Rutland,VT and the Dorset,VT farmer's markets. We also sell pasteurized cream-top milk, cream-top yogurt, maple cream-top yogurt, skyr, butter, ghee, and gelato. We are "cow to cup", and use milk only from our cows. Our pasteurized products are for sale in several co-ops, and hopefully more to come!
The farm store is open all daylight hours, and is self-serve. If you want large quantities, please let us know ahead.
See more information on the higher digestability of A2 dairy on our web-site,
Raw A2 organic, grass-fed Jersey milk
Pasteurized cream-top milk
Yogurt, skyr, butter, ghee, and gelato
Cynthia Larson
Larson Farm, Wells, VT facebook
Dorset, VT, Sundays year round
Rutland, VT Saturdays, year round
inquire for our pricelist
69 South St
Wells, VT 05774
All daylight hours