A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

Maplebrook Farmstead is a 4th generation family farm on 175 acres of protected agricultural land in Sterling, Massachusetts. We produce and sell eggs from pasture-raised hens, raw milk from our 4 Ayrshire cows, honey, and cut flowers. All of our livestock are rotationally grazed on healthy pastures. We also offer hiking with our small herd of goats through the fields and forested trails of our farm.
Raw milk from our 4 well-cared for Ayrshire cows who's diet consists of fresh grass and hay from our fields.
Fresh Eggs from our free-range chickens who live in mobile coops out on pasture. The "egg-mobiles" get moved every five days to ensure our hens have plenty of green grass and bugs, as well as to maintain soil integrity.
Visit our website for more information about our farm and product offerings.
Our farm stand is open daily from 8am-7pm. Eggs and milk are available year-round. Other products, like flowers and honey, are seasonal. We also carry products from other local farms, like maple syrup and fresh breads.