A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

Located in a rural corner of Lexington, Massachusetts, Meadow Mist is an integrated small farm that raises and sells grass fed beef, heritage breed lamb, pork, pastured chicken and turkey ,organic fed, cage-free fresh eggs, and seasonal garden vegetables and berries. We use non-GMO, organic, antibiotic-free animal feeds, and avoid the use of any type of insecticide, herbicide or fungicide on our gardens and pastures. We rely on crop rotation, on-site composting, cover cropping and rotational grazing to build soil health.We grow and raise Slow Food Ark Of Taste Products And Livestock And Home Made Raw Honey,Raspberry, Grape, Tomato Jam Organic imported extra virgin olive oil from,Cider Syrup and VT Made Maple Syrup,Our own Heirloom Popcorn, some pumpkins
Artichokes - beets - red and orange broccoli - cabbage -carrots -celery celeriac -Bok Choy sweet corn - dry beans - eggplant - garlic - beans - kale - leeks - lettuce - onions - pumpkins - greens - salad mix - shallots - summer squash - sweet peppers - swiss chard - tomatoes zucchini - peaches - raspberries - strawberries - Meats/Livestock: beef - Lamb, Turkey, Pork, chicken - lamb - pork turkey - eggs Herbs
Lauren Yaffee
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday
eggs; pick up at the farm, by the dozen, every 3 months except 2 months during summer months