A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

2012 marks the fourth year of Rosasharn Farm's CSA program. We offer 60 CSA shares with three pick-up day options--two on-farm, and one drop-off location in Providence, RI. Our shares consist of a wide range of beautiful, sustainable, chemical-free vegetables. We choose interesting, often heirloom varieties including varieties listed on the Slow Food Arc of Taste. Rosasharn Farm is a small family farm, and in addition to our veggies we raise meat chickens, heritage pigs and laying hens on pasture, nigerian dwarf dairy goats, and many other fun, friendly animals.
Diversified vegetables and herbs. Vegetables, chickens, laying hens, Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats, heritage pigs, ducks, goat's milk soap.
Margiana Petersen-Rockney
Contact for more info.
Our shares are above average in size--large enough to feed two avid vegetable lovers, or 4 moderate vegetable lovers. This typically breaks down to about $30-40/week. Cost is $700 for our full season (June to December, 26 weeks) or $400 for Summer or Fall Season Only (June to September, or September to December, 13 weeks each). Our East Side Providence Drop-off is an additional $10/month.