A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

We are a family farm, raising Gloucestershire Old Spots pigs, Dexter cows, Heritage chickens, sheep and goats.
We only want to feed our animals the best food we can source. For much of the year, it is natural forage in our pastures and woodlands. The remaining feed is ground fresh on our farm daily from a variety of organic grains. Every ‘odd’ month we bring in several pallets of feed, and are always willing to be a ‘drop point’ if you need some feed from the same supplier.
Organic free range eggs, pasture-raised pork, cut flowers.
Seasonally dependent supplies of lamb, chicken, and goat.
Come visit us at the Orange, Athol, Petersham and Princeton Farmers' Markets.