A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

We are a small-scale, farm-based CSA. We grow over 180 varieties of vegetables and herbs, and more than 80 varieties of flowers. All our members come to the farm to get their produce, make their own bouquets with our harvested flowers, and pick their own herbs. We encourage you and your children to linger and enjoy our fields and gardens, swing on the rope swing, investigate our chickens, talk with us about food, cooking, and the abundance of life here in West County. We have monthly potlucks and we invite our members to share and promote their own business activities to build up our local economy.
Maple syrup, botanical remedies, bread, and blueberries.
John Hoffman and Kate Stevens
Half-share costs between $300 and $375. Whole share costs between $450 and $550. All shares are picked up at the farm Tuesdays 4 to 7 p.m.