A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.
Found 23 listings
Wolfe Spring Farm
Wolfe Spring Farm is a family-owned and -operated certified organic and certified naturally grown CSA. We grow a wide variety of small fruits and vegetables. We also raise egg layers, meat chickens, turkeys, pigs, dairy cows and a goat.
946 Hewins St., Sheffield, MA 01257
Jim and June Wolfe
Worcester Regional Environment Council
The Worcester REC believes in creating jobs for youth and providing people in the community with affordable, healthy, and culturally appropriate food. We hold weekly Farmers Markets where we sell fresh food grown on local farms; we accept credit, [...]
9 Castle St., Worcester, MA 01610
Anthony Gardner
Yellow Stonehouse Farm Organic CSA
Yellow Stonehouse Farm Organic CSA in Westfield MA, provides local community members a farm-share of fresh organically grown vegetables and fields fruits throughout the growing season. CSA members also enjoy PYO garden access as well as recipes and [...]
354 Root Road , Westfield, MA 01085
Connie Adams and John Keilch, farm owners, yellowstonehousefarmcsa@gmail.com or 413-562-2164. 354 Root Road, Westfield, MA 01085
413 562-2164