A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

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Found 263 listings

Neighboring Food Co-op Association

Summary: The Neighboring Food Co-op Association (NFCA) is a network of almost 30 food co-ops and start-ups across Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut and New Hampshire. With more than 90,000 members who care about food and farming, our co-ops are working together [...]
PO Box 93, Shelburne Falls, MA 01370
Contact Info:

Erbin Crowell

Phone: 401-419-0381

New England Organic Fertilizer

Summary: I am a distributor of AGGRAND Fertilizers, which is a high quality organic fertilizer for farms or homes gardens. I can either sell direct to the consumer through NOFA events or sign-up the customer to receive the product at [...]
171 Hunt Road, Chelmsford , MA 01824
Contact Info:

David Consalvo

Phone: 978-256-3695

Newton Community Farm

Summary: We are a nonprofit community farm located on the historic Angino farmstead in Newton. We strive to benefit the community by Providing locally-grown produce through our CSA, our farm stand, and Newton Farmers' Markets Educating the public about the sustainable use [...]
303 Nahanton St., Newton, MA 02459
Contact Info:

Greg Maslowe

Phone: 617-916-9655

Next Barn Over Farm

Summary: As a mixed vegetable CSA farm, we grow more than 50 different crops for weekly distribution to our share members throughout the harvest season, from June through October. Members visit the farm each week to choose from an abundant [...]
15 Lawrence Plain Road, Hadley, MA 01035
Contact Info:

Ray Young

Phone: 413-461-8444

North Forty Farm

Summary: North Forty Farm is a small family farm offering consumers a wide variety of fresh produce and cut flowers, along with locally produced honey and maple syrup at our farm stand. We use organic, sustainable farming practices but are [...]
124 Meadow Road, Townsend, MA 01469
Contact Info:

Sue Greenough

Phone: 978-597-6507

North Plain Farm / Blue Hill Farm

Summary: A little about North Plain Farm And Blue Hill Farm: All the animals on the farm live off a natural diet. They are free to roam and consume a diet of their choice. Our pigs and chickens are supplemented [...]
205 North Plain Road, Great Barrington, MA 01230
Contact Info:

Sean Stanton

Phone: 413-429-6598

Northfield Mount Hermon

Summary: As part of Northfield Mount Hermon school, we are an educational farm devoted to preserving the land, working with students, and helping to feed our community.  At our Farm Store, we sell maple syrup, apple cider, cider syrup, lavender [...]
1 Lamplighter Way, Mount Hermon, MA 01354, USA 01354
Contact Info:

Jake Morrow jmorrow@nmhschool.org 413-498-3467

Phone: 413-498-3467