A comprehensive guide to local organic and sustainably grown food, services and products in Massachusetts and beyond. A project of NOFA/Mass.

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Found 263 listings

Shaw Farm

Summary: Shaw Farm is a certified organic traditional dairy farm selling its products through an on-farm store and selective wholesale accounts. Home delivery in greater Lowell. New farm store opened in 2009 including bakery products. New bottling facility in 2009. [...]
195 New Boston Road, Dracut, MA 01826
Contact Info:

Warren Shaw

Listing Tags:
Phone: 978-957-0031

Siena Farms

Summary: Siena Farms is a family farm, in our 14th year of operation, cultivating 50 acres of protected farmland in Sudbury and Concord, MA. We grow over 100 varieties of vegetables for our 500-member CSA community, our farm stores in [...]
113 Haynes Road, Sudbury, MA 01776
Contact Info:

Farmer Chris Kurth, Owner
113 Haynes Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Email: Chris@SienaFarms.com

Phone: 978-261-5365

Simple Gifts Farm

Summary: We are a 30-acre mixed vegetables and livestock operation. We provide a wide diversity of beautiful organic produce at our farm store and through a 300-member Community Supported Agriculture program. Both the store and CSA pickup are open year-round from 10AM to [...]
1089 N. Pleasant St., North Amherst, MA 01059
Contact Info:

Jeremy Barker Plotkin and David Tepfer

Phone: 413-230-3262

Small Ones Farm

Summary: Small Ones Farm is a 63-acre, family-owned farm in South Amherst. We grow tree fruit (apples, peaches, plums and pears), berries, pumpkins and herbs for local markets using natural (i.e., no synthetic chemicals), sustainable and biodynamic growing practices. We [...]
416 Bay Road, Amherst, MA 01002
Contact Info:

Program Director

Phone: 413-253-6788

Soluna Garden Farm

Summary: Soluna Garden Farm grows fresh herbs and flowers for sale at farmers' markets, to restaurants, and by subscription. Soluna also produces dried herb and spice blends, and tea blends from certified organic ingredients. Our products are available through [...]
693 Washington St., Winchester, MA 01890
Contact Info:

Amy Hirschfeld

Phone: 781-756-0511

Song Sparrow Farm

Summary: Song Sparrow Farm grows high quality naturally grown vegetables for a CSA, River Valley Co-Op, State St and Coopers, and local restaurants.
140 Meadow Street, Northampton, MA, USA 01062
Contact Info:

Diego @ 413-320-9308, Diego@songsparrowfarm.com
140 Meadow St, Florence MA

Phone: 4133209308